#END SARS: A Call To End Police Brutality By ThankGod, Emmalizer, Dami and Nhick
A Call To End Police Brutality.
A Poem Combo By ThankGod Peterside, Emmalizer, Dami and Nhick
We are no longer scared of the arrows that flieth at night but of the bullets of this blood sucking demons walking at noon....ENDSARS
Who will be the leaders of tomorrow if they continue taking youths lives....ENDSARS
All I see is a group of notorious terrorist within the government wagging wars against innocent Nigerian youths....ENDSARS
Strolling on the streets have taken another turn,
We can't walk without having a check behind us,
We are so scared that our airpods make us look rich,
Yet, our pockets are wailing....ENDSARS
Phones, hairstyles, clothes and the one that sucks more....footwears,
All those were parameters used to define the struggling Nigerian youth out there in the darkest street....ENDSARS
The land of milk and honey,
But you have to purchase it.
Leaders of tomorrow,
Yet today is being robbed from us.
Waking up use to be exciting,
But now we live in fear every second,
Independent they say,
Yet we are the blind slaves.
Our right taken,
So many innocent young lives taken,
Some traumatized for life,
And no justice.
I'm a Nigerian youth,
My life matters,
I have rights....ENDSARS
We live in
Of the broken promises of those who sworn to protect us.
New police brutality but old reforms.
And we keep pleading with
Unyielding grief
Unfolded hands
Bereft of love
Bleeding pens
Not on blotters but on our heart.
Hoping and believing
Help will come out of the blues, if the heart of the man holding the gun is not same as his uniform....ENDSARS
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