Things That Work in Our Favour: A Poem By XBX

Things that Work in our Favour

A Poem By XBX

As the rain drones, it speaks
Something with the zincs.

While the world sleeps, like we
It will do its bleeding inwardly.

Most pillows are wiving most heads,
And we are submitting our souls' legs.

When you call me; when the souls of our phones
Help our souls to gloat at our weak jokes.

Wet night but dry of light but not life,
A mother with a prayer
Sends ripples to a child;

When our pride make us unfinished.
Our love make ordinary to beauty.

Even while we see our lovers soul
Through ocular windows.

When we deform another's soul
And deform our own also.

Everything with substance ripples,
And ripples settle at the headquarters of souls

We're all connected to the world's soul;
The soul of souls is where the ripples settle.

Useless alone yet gold in the whole.

